Kerry Swope, a contributing writer to The Comedy Writers And Consultants, Inc., had his book recently published on Apple, Barnes & Noble, Scribner, Kobo, and several others. The book includes over 300 captioned pictures! A few of those pictures are below as well as a portion of the introduction. “Read Our Lips” – Wacky Memes For Animal Lovers by Kerry Swope is now available for purchase as an Ebook for $4.99.

We are surrounded by animals our whole lives, and never really understand them. They communicate with us the best they can, in their own way. They size us up and study us with curiosity and wonderment. We assume they love us unconditionally, most of the time, but I am sure they are frequently cussing us out. Wild animals would just as soon eat us than negotiate anything. I am here to declare that I do know what animals are thinking. It is not a sixth sense or a psychotic episode, but the images in my mind are real. See what animals really think and talk about, whether real or imagined…

Kerry Swope writes for Comedywire (NY), several greeting card companies, and is a contributor to To purchase his new book, go to For more, check out “Kerry’s Comedy Corner” on Facebook.