1 Stand-Up Jokes   $279 per page (12-15 jokes/pg)
2 Monologue Jokes   $279 per page (12-15 jokes/pg)
3 Page Of Jokes / Ideas   $279 per page (12-15 jokes/pg)
4 Comedy Coaching   $125 per hour (includes add’l writing)
5 Roast Jokes / Performance   $329 3 mins, $539 5-6 mins, $879 10 mins
6 Toasts   $379 for 3-5 min original toast, $259 toast edit
7 Commercials   TBD per project
8 Punch Ups   $125 per page submitted ($150 minimum to start)
9 Screenwriting / Script Writing   TBD per project
10 Script Coverage / Notes   $149 8-20 pgs, $259 21-70 pgs, $349 71-120+ pgs
11 Other Script Services   TBD per project
12 Video Production   TBD per project
13 Scripts For Sale   TBD

Our Comedy Writers will tailor Stand-up Comedy Jokes (12-15 jokes/pg) based on the specific performance and event you’ll be speaking at AND / OR your act, style, unique life experience, and sensibility. The process starts with a questionnaire or customers may provide an outline of premises, notes, or list of subjects they want jokes written on. We share with you several samples first, get your feedback, then write the jokes.


Topical Monologue Jokes (12-15 jokes/pg) are written on the news, current events, pop culture, and other hot button issues. Customers may provide the topics or recent stories they want jokes written on or leave it to our discretion.


We write jokes for businesses, radio/web shows, book signings, comic strips, whatever you need them for. We also write jokes and/or create original ideas for Twitter pages, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. Customers provide a theme and/or list of subjects. We share with you several samples first, get your feedback, then write the jokes. Discounts may be offered for multiple pages and ongoing projects.


Meet either in-person, by phone, or Zoom / Google Meet / FaceTime / Skype with a Stand-up Comedy Expert. The session consists of a full exchange of ideas, jokes, premises, individual act specifics, basically anything you’d like to work on based upon your life experiences, writing preferences, or on-stage performance. Each Comedy Coaching session is one hour. Discounts provided for longer sessions and on-going consulting.


Based on a questionnaire, our Comedy Writers will tailor a Roast for any occasion and roastee. Perfect for birthday parties, retirement parties, going away parties, anniversaries, benefits, even bachelor parties, rehearsal dinners, and weddings. We now offer Roast Options of 3 minutes (2 pgs of jokes), 5-6 minutes (4+ pgs), or 10 minutes in length (7+ pgs). If you need more than 10 minutes of material, price will be adjusted and customized to the amount you’re looking to have written. If you’re looking for just 10 individual roast jokes to use how you like, we can offer a discounted price for that as well. Our Comedians are also available for live Comedy Central-style roast performance.


We’ll personalize a Toast – ripe with cutting edge jokes, good-natured charm, and a sincere closing – for any occasion and toastee. Perfect for weddings (maid of honor, best man speech, father of bride/groom), birthdays, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, benefits, and banquets. Our unique and highly effective process consists of writing a number of jokes (3+ pgs at least!), having you highlight the ones you like, and then shaping it into a more formal toast format with a beginning, middle, and “raise a glass” at the end. Toasts are typically 1 to 1.5 pages equaling 3 to 5 minutes in performance time. If you need more material, price will be adjusted accordingly. We also offer an edit / punch-up option for your already prepared or mostly-prepared speech.


We offer a more affordable option to a typical ad agency and a more time efficient option than going at it alone. Trust it’ll be a funnier option too! Our Comedians and Screenwriters will come up with the ideas and write your TV/online Commercials, radio spots, sales videos, branded content, or marketing copy for you. Through our partner CreativeLeapTV– we produce commercials too!


Send us a page(s) of your existing speech, presentation, or comedy work – whether it be a TED Talk or TEDx Talk, motivational speech, presentation for business, stand-up material, a TV script, screenplay, Sketch Comedy script, music video script, commercial, etc. We’ll add new jokes, Punch Up existing jokes, clean up grammatical / format errors, and tighten copy. The process starts with a discussion as we want to better understand your goals and what you’re looking for. We share with you several samples first, get your feedback, then write the full round of punch up.


Our Comedy Script Writers are available to write, rewrite, or go from initial concept to completion on your TV Script, Screenplay, short film, sketch, or commercial. It starts with the sharing of ideas / direction, we get your feedback, then write the script. Pricing is on a per project basis dependent on number of pages, how developed the concept is, rewrites, and timeframe. We are also available for script doctoring and consulting.


Studio-style Script Coverage provides full page-by-page notes throughout your short film (20 pgs or less), TV script (21-70 pgs), or feature screenplay (71-120+ pgs) as well as overall impressions and extensive, actionable rewrite suggestions. The process includes a summary of your work and a PASS / CONSIDER / OPTION grade. Be sure to ask about our Coverage + Comedy Punch Up combo.


Our team is available for all your Comedy Script needs. Whether that means generating an outline, writing a treatment or logline, developing a pitch packet, or creating a show bible. We offer story consulting and pitch consulting, as well. Pricing of all additional script services is on a per project basis.


We are available for all your Comedy Video needs – whether it be sketch, sizzle reel, music video, TV “pilot,” comedy short, commercial, etc. We can take your script or concept to finished product. Pricing is on a per project basis.


Our Writers have Scripts For Sale. If you’re interested in high quality comedic content that’s not only fresh and original but also hilarious then check out the screenplays and TV “pilot” scripts we currently have available.